Crossword Puzzles
Crossword Puzzle.iso
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PuzzLex (copyright 1993/94)
This software is provided to you as is. The author makes no
warranty that PuzzLex is suitable for any purpose. Under no
circumstances will the author be held responsible for any loss or
damage suffered by any user arising out of the supply, use or
operation of this software, whether or not such loss or damage be
direct, consequential or otherwise.
PuzzLex aids in solving crosswords and other types of word
puzzles. It is easy to use but also flexible and powerful in its
ability to search through the supplied dictionary to suggest
185,000 word list. Compressed to save your disc space.
(Evaluation version 39,000c).
Ability to search for words of between 1 to 15 characters.
Permits searches for Anagrams and Word Patterns.
Flexible searching, supporting 2 types of wildcards:
? represents a single unknown character
* represents zero or more unknown characters
A complex search option which allows you detailed control over
your search criteria.
The ability to save words to a supplementary dictionary for future
The ability to solve multiple word anagrams.
Context sensitive help.
To run the program type PuzzLex at the DOS prompt. Users of Mono
monitors may find the screen colours clearer if they use the mono
switch invoked by running the program with the command:
puzzlex /m
Users using a Mono VGA screen should use the following command to
select colours most suitable for this type of screen:
puzzlex /g
In most cases these switches will not be necessary as PuzzLex will
attempt to determine the type of monitor on which it is running
If you wish to use the multiple word search options
described below you must have the files command in
your config.sys file set to 20
If you are running windows then I recommend that this be
set to 40
Although PuzzLex is a DOS program it is quite happy being
run from MS WINDOWS. To install PuzzLex on your desktop:
Run the File Manager program from WINDOWS and select the
directory where you have just installed PuzzLex. Position
the File Manager window such that you can see the files in
the PuzzLex directory and also see the group icon where you
wish PuzzLex to be held. Click on the file PuzzLex.exe and
drag it to the appropriate group icon. Release the file and
PuzzLex will now be runnable as a DOS program from that
To assign the PuzzLex item an icon, click on the PuzzLex item
once, such that it is highlighted, NOT RUN. Click on the File
option of Program Manager and then select properties. Select
Change Icon and then the Browse option. Move to the PuzzLex
directory and you will see an icon displayed called
PuzzLex.ico. Select OK. When you exit the file menu PuzzLex
will now have its new icon.
When entering word patterns or text into PuzzLex the
following editing keys are available:
Left Cursor One character left
Right Cursor One character right
Home Beginning of input field
End End of input field
Insert Toggle between insert and overstrike
Delete Delete character under cursor
Backspace Delete character to left of cursor
Return Accept input and continue.
Cntrl End Delete input field
Up Cursor Previous input field (When applicable)
Down Cursor Next input field (When applicable)
Cntl Down Cursor Recall last word pattern
You can jump to the various search pages directly without
returning to the main menu by selecting one of the following key
Alt-a Goto Anagram Search Screen
Alt-p Goto Word Pattern Search Screen
Alt-c Goto Complex Pattern Search Screen
Alt-n Add a word to the user dictionary
Alt-f Send the words found by PuzzLex to a file for
later examination
! This character has a special significance
and can only be entered into the Pattern
field on the Complex Search Screen. When
used it tells PuzzLex to break the letters
entered in the Source field into every possible
combination of words that it can find.
Pattern: !
Source: margaretthatcher
Would list all the possible combinations of
words that can be made from margaretthatcher.
BE WARNED this option will typically result in
thousands of solutions.
When completing a PATTERN field you can enter a number to represent
a number of consecutive ?s
eg a4t Would be treated as a????t
5y2 Would be treated as ?????y??
When PuzzLex is started you will initially be presented with a
simple menu that gives access to the various types of searches
available within PuzzLex and the option to add your own words to
the user dictionary.
To select a screen simply press the numeric key associated with
your choice or press the highlighted letter key, the menu will
then be replaced by the relevant search screen where you can
specify your search criteria. Each of these screens is described
in the following sections.
At the Pattern prompt type in the anagram and press enter, all
matching words will be displayed on the screen. The search can be
abandoned by pressing the escape key.
Example 1
Entering the letters ragden would list the following matches:
gander garden ranged danger
Searches can be given additional flexibility by using wildcards.
PuzzLex supports two wild card characters: ? and *. The ?
represents any single character and * represents zero or more
Example 2
?rgden would list the following matches:
gander garden ranged danger gerund ringed gender
Example 3
*rgden would list all words of 5 or more letters that contain the
letters rgden
Example 4
*???? would list all words of 4 or more letters. The four question
marks tell PuzzLex that the words found must contain four letters
and the * add zero or more letters to valid solutions.
This option allows you to find solutions to incomplete words and
is extremely useful in solving those last few crossword clues. To
use this option simply type in the incomplete word representing
any unknown letters with a ? the program will quickly list all
matching words.
Example 1
c?o??w?r? would list the following matches: clockwork
Once again the search can be given additional flexibility by using
the * wildcard. searches:
Example 2
c?o??w?r* would list: clockwork crossword clockworks
Example 3
*a*e*i*o*u* would list all words that contain the vowels in
alphabetic order.
Example 4
*u*o*i*e*a* Would list all words that contain the vowels in
reverse alphabetic order.
Example 5
* Would list all words in the dictionaries.
Example 6
????? Would list all 5 letter words.
Example 7
?a????r Would list all 7 letter words where the 2nd letter is 'a'
and the 7th is 'r'.
Example 8
?????* Would list all words of 5 letters or more
The complex search option has been designed to allow you more
control over your search criteria. When selecting this option
you are presented with a dialogue box in which you can specify
how you wish your search to be carried out. Below is a description
of the various types of search criteria that can be used.
Pattern:This field must be completed. It provides the target
pattern that all matched words must conform to. If this
field is the only one completed then PuzzLex will be
performing a Pattern search in exactly the same way as
done if using the Word Pattern search screen. Once again
wildcards may be used to increase flexibility, see the
Word Pattern description above for further details.
The other options all allow you to exercise greater control on
what words will be deemed to have matched the pattern.
Source: The source field allows you to specify up to 40 letters of
which matched words must be comprised. If this field is
used PuzzLex will first find a match to your pattern, once
it has found a matching word it will then examine your
Source field to check that the found word can be made from
the supplied source, before the word is displayed as a
valid solution.
The case of the letters in the source is also significant.
If a letter is entered in lower case then it can be used
only once, you can enter the letter twice to allow for
words that contain two occurrences of that letter. If the
letter is entered in upper case then PuzzLex will be free
to re-use that letter as many times as it needs to find a
valid solution.
The following examples should make this clearer.
Example 1
Pattern: ????* Source: nouctwodn
Will list all words of 4 or more letters that can be found in the
given source. This option can be used to play Channel 4's
Countdown quiz. It can also be helpful in solving some crossword
clues where you suspect that the answer is hidden in the clue.
Just enter the required pattern and type the clue or phrase into
the source, the program will list all the words that match the
pattern and that can be made from the letters supplied in the
Example 2
Consider the puzzle 'What is the largest word you can make using
only the top row of the keyboard, i.e. the letters qwertyuiop'? If
you were to enter '*' in the pattern field signifying that you
require all words and qwertyuiop in the source field the largest
word returned would be wipeout. As PuzzLex is only using each
letter once it fails to solve the problem satisfactorily. However
if you entered QWERTYUIOP in the source field PuzzLex is free to
reuse the letters as necessary and finds more solutions which
include amongst others the well known solution, typewriter.
Include:Allows you to specify letters that must be included in
the matched words. Some puzzles require you to supply a
list of words that can be made from a given source but
which must contain a specific letter.
Pattern: ????*
Source: fgoiblenu
Include: b
Will list all words of 4 or more letters containing a 'b'
that can be made using the letters provided in source.
Exclude: Is the converse of Include and permits you to exclude
all words containing the specified letter or
Example 3
How many words can you think of that do not include any of the
vowels: aeiou? To solve this problem enter the following search
Pattern: '*' indicating that you want all words Exclude:
After you press the F10 key PuzzLex will return all the matching
words that do NOT contain any of the letters 'aeiou'.
So far we have described the Complex Search page in relation to
single word solutions to a given set of search criteria. A new
feature of PuzzLex v2.0 is the ability to solve multiple word
anagram problems. Suppose you had the following crossword clue:
erect smartish breaks festive shrub 9,4
The solution is an anagram of 'erect smartish' as indicated
by the word 'breaks'. Looking at your crossword grid suppose
you have the following entry for this clue: ?h??s??????e?
To solve the problem using PuzzLex first enter the required
pattern into the pattern field on the examples Search page.
Separate each pattern by a space. Using the above example
your pattern would be: '?h??s???? ??e?'. Now enter in the
Source Field the letters you believe make up the anagram:
'erectsmartish'. Press the F10 key and a small window will
pop-up asking you to wait while PuzzLex analyses its
dictionary. When this is completed the possible solutions
to the problem will be displayed.
christmas reet christmas tree
The answer is of course christmas tree.
When you entered your pattern in the above example and pressed
return you would have seen the fields change from those normally
displayed. The Exclude and Include fields were removed and a
new field 'Use All Source' was displayed.
This setting can be either ON or OFF. When on, the input field
is marked with an X. Pressing the space bar will change the
state of the field. The setting of this field will change the
way PuzzLex determines whether it has a valid solution. If not
set then PuzzLex will check any potential solutions to your
pattern against the source. If they can be found in the source
then the solution is deemed good and the solution displayed. If
the field has been marked then any found solution must use all
of the source in order to be deemed as valid solution.
This can be more clearly explained by way of an example. Consider
the following:
Pattern: * *
Source: onetwo
Use All Source:
If you leave the 'Use All Source' field clear and press F10 then
amongst many solution you will see is 'no to'. This satisfies the
pattern which specifies two words of zero or more letters and 'no
to' can be found in the Source. However if you now mark the
'Use All Source' field and repeat the search 'no to' is not
returned as a solution because it did not use all the Source,
instead all the solutions contain a total of 6 letters as
specified in the Source.
When you entered the above Pattern: '* *' and pressed [RETURN] not
only was the field 'Use All source' displayed but a new field 'No
Permutations' was also shown. This field works in the same way as
the 'Use All Source' field and can be either marked on or off. If
this field has been marked then permutations of the same solutions
will be suppressed by PuzzLex. If you consider the above example
then both 'one two' and 'two one' would be valid solutions. If the
'No Permutation' field was marked then only 'one two' would be
displayed. Selecting this option will speed up the search and
reduce the amount of output displayed.
NB The 'No Permutations' field is only available for multiple
word patterns that are totally wild, i.e. consist
solely of the '*' wildcard.
In addition to solving crossword anagram problems the multiple,
anagram feature of PuzzLex can be put to amusing use by applying
it to a relative's or a friend's name. I have added a special
pattern character to make this easier. If the '!' mark is placed
in the pattern field then PuzzLex will break the supplied Source
field into every combination of words that it can find. The
burden placed on the computer when performing a search like this
is immense. I would recommend using the 'No Permutations' option
when performing these types of searches and sending the output to
a file for future examination. Alternatively you could request a
specific number of words from the supplied name as shown below.
To find all the three word combinations that can be made from my
own name I would enter the following search criteria:
Pattern: * * *
Source: nevillebentley
Use All Source: X
No Permutations: X
New to version 2.0 is the facility to send PuzzLex's output to a
specified file as plain ASCII text that can be read by most
editors or word processors. This option is selected by pressing
the keys ALT and f simultaneously at any of the search screens
(the option is not available from the main menu).
When you select this option a window will pop-up in which you can
specify the filename you wish the output to be sent. Simply enter
the filename with a path if required and press [RETURN]. When you
start the search the solutions will be written to the file and
echoed to the screen. If output is being sent to a file then
PuzzLex will NOT pause at each full screen of solutions.
If you select a file that already exists then you will be warned
and given the choice of overwriting the existing file or choosing
another filename.
The output to file option only lasts for a single search, it must
be re-selected for subsequent searches.
PuzzLex allows you to add additional words to its dictionary by
selecting the 'Add New Word' option from the Main Menu or by
pressing ALT-N while in any of the search screens. When this
option has been selected you are presented with a pop-up window
that allows you to enter the word to be added. Simply type in the
new word and press [RETURN], the word will now be used by PuzzLex
in all future searches. If the word already exists in PuzzLex's
main dictionary you will be warned of the fact and the word will
not be added.
Any words added using this option are actually added to a
supplementary file called puzzlex.usr in your PuzzLex directory.
This file is a simple ASCII format and can be viewed and edited
with most editors or word processors. I do not recommend that you
alter the order in which words are stored in this file but you
may remove any words that have been added incorrectly.
If you have any ideas as to how PuzzLex can be improved or feel
there are any particular areas of weakness please let me know and
I will try to incorporate your ideas in any future releases.
Although I have tried to provide PuzzLex with as
comprehensive dictionary as possible I'm sure you will,
from time to time, find words that are not included,
afterall that is why I have included the 'Add New Word'
option. If you build up a user dictionary of such words why
not copy it to a floppy disc and send it to me. I can then
incorporate these additional words into the main dictionary
and return your disc with the new dictionary including your
words and any others supplied by other users. Please include 2
first class stamps with your disc to cover my costs.
Thank you for registering PuzzLex, your support is greatly
Neville Bentley